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Cours et exercices Anglais 2ème bac

Anglais 1

Cours et exrcices Anglais 2 Bac sciences maths physiques économiques technologies SVT


The program of English language for second year Baccalaureate provides students with different language activities to improve their English, including many lessons, tasks and exercises to learn and practise the language.

It contains 10 units, each one revolves around a topic and provides sufficient practice in the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Many other activities intend to develop the students’ life skills in general and linguistic ones in particular, and also to help them 

The program of English language for second year Baccalaureate provides students with different language activities to improve their English, including many lessons, tasks and exercises to learn and practise the language.

It contains 10 units, each one revolves around a topic and provides sufficient practice in the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Many other activities intend to develop the students’ life skills in general and linguistic ones in particular, and also to help them improve their study skills and become independent learners, especially because this year they will sit for their Baccalaureate and get prepared for their higher studies.

Each unit of this program includes 7 activities that will help the learners to: expand their vocabulary, improve their listening and speaking skills, read and learn, study grammar, practice writing, study skills and explore culture.







Formal, informal and non-fomal education

Cultural values

Gifts of youth

Women and power

Advances in science and technology



Brain drain

sustainable development

International organisations

Language and writing Anglais 2ème année Bac

Summaries of all the lessons of English

امتحانات الباكالوريا احرار علوم الحياة والأرض مع التصحيح

امتحانات البكالوريا مع التصحيح دورة 2013 مسلك علوم الحياة و الارض

امتحانات البكالوريا علوم تجريبية مادة الرياضيات مع التصحيح

امتحانات البكالوريا 2013 علوم فيزيائية مع التصحيح

تصحيح الامتحان الوطني للبكالوريا الدورة العادية 2015 مادة الانجليزية

امتحان شهادة البكالوريا 2015 علوم تجريبية

امتحانات وطنية الثانية باكالوريا علوم الحياة والأرض مع التصحيح

امتحانات وطنية الثانية باكالوريا علوم فيزيائية مع التصحيح

امتحانات الباكالوريا احرار علوم فيزيائية مع التصحيح


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